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  • フリースタイルスキー スクール
神立スノーアカデミーは、オリンピック正式種目にもなり、注目度の高いフリースタイルスキーのレッスン を受ける事の出来るフリースタイルスクールを開校致します。
スキーレッスンは、フリースタイルスキー ソチ五輪ハーフパイプ日本代表の津田健太朗と、13-14シーズンのフリー スタイルスキーW杯スロープスタイル選手 藤田サイモンが行います。世界で戦って来た日本を代表する経験 豊富な現役プロスキーヤー2名によって初級者から上級者まで幅広いレベルに合わせて上達する練習方法をレクチャー致します。
スキーを履いてパークで飛んだり、ジブアイテムを擦ったり、地形で遊んだり、後ろ向きで滑ってみたりと ただ滑るだけがスキーではない、新しい楽しみ方を提案していきます。
週末開催のスペシャルキャンプをはじめ、ファミリーレッスンや、ジュニアレッスンを始め、学生割引サー ビスや、平日レッスン回数券など子供から大人までが楽しみながら上達出来る様々な、サービスとレッスン プログラムを用意してお待ちしております。
School Overview
  • School opening period
    Every day during the season
  • Office Hours
    8:30-9:30 / 12:30-13:00
    (Deadline 30 minutes before the start of each permanent lesson)
  • Reception Location
  • Reservations and Inquiries
    Please make reservations through the following websites:

*Opening period is subject to change without notice due to snow conditions and other factors.
*There are some lesson programs that cannot be held when the number of instructors cannot be secured due to group training or events. Please understand this in advance.
Lesson List
*The following are the lessons scheduled to be held. Please contact the school for details.
Permanent Lesson] Air Course
≪priority reservations
This lesson is held on the kicker at Hike Up Park. The class is suitable for a wide range of levels, from those who want to learn basic moves safely to those who want to learn grabs and spins.
We accept same-day participation, but reservations will be given priority.
Helmets are required for lessons. Helmets are available for rent, so please consult with us at the time of reservation.
Reservations are required for this lesson. Please understand.
Student discount rates are available for students from elementary school to university. (For high school students and older, please show your student ID card.)
  • subject (of taxation, etc.)
    3rd grade elementary school students and above
  • the number of people
    From 1 person
  • Hours.
    10:00-12:00 / 13:30-15:30
  • Charge
    General Fees】
    2 hours: 5,200 yen on weekdays / 6,200 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    4 hours: 9,800 yen on weekdays / 10,800 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    Student discount rate
    2 hours: 4,800 yen on weekdays / 5,800 yen on weekends and holidays
    4 hours: Weekdays 8,800 yen / Weekends and holidays 9,800 yen
    Please bring your student ID card with you as it will be checked at the registration desk.
    coupon tickets】
    General: 5 sessions 25,000 yen / 10 sessions 47,000 yen
    Student discount: 5 sessions 23,000 yen / 10 sessions 42,000 yen
Permanent Lesson] Jib Course
≪priority reservations
This lesson will be taught using secure jib items such as wide boxes and PVC rails. The goal is to learn how to pass the jib items in a cool way and to be able to perform tricks with the items.
Helmets are required.
Jibe lesson items may change depending on the level of the participants.
Twin tip skis are not required to participate.
Reservations are required for this lesson. Please understand.
Student discount rates are available for elementary school through university students. (For high school students and older, please show your student ID card.)
  • subject (of taxation, etc.)
    3rd grade elementary school students and above
  • the number of people
    From 1 person
  • Hours.
    10:00-12:00 / 13:30-15:30
  • Charge
    General Fees】
    2 hours: 5,200 yen on weekdays / 6,200 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    4 hours: 9,800 yen on weekdays / 10,800 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    Student discount rate
    2 hours: 4,800 yen on weekdays / 5,800 yen on weekends and holidays
    4 hours: Weekdays 8,800 yen / Weekends and holidays 9,800 yen
    Please bring your student ID card with you as it will be checked at the registration desk.
    coupon tickets】
    General: 5 sessions 25,000 yen / 10 sessions 47,000 yen
    Student discount: 5 sessions 23,000 yen / 10 sessions 42,000 yen
Permanent Lesson] Switch & Ground Trick Course
≪priority reservations
This lesson will be taught using secure jib items such as wide boxes and PVC rails. The goal is to learn how to pass the jib items in a cool way and to be able to perform tricks with the items.
Helmets are required.
Jibe lesson items may change depending on the level of the participants.
Switch & Gratuitry lessons are only available for those who have twin tip skis.
Reservations are required for this lesson. Please note that reservations take priority for this lesson.
Student discount rates are available for students from elementary school to university. (For high school students and older, please show your student ID.)
  • subject (of taxation, etc.)
    3rd grade elementary school students and above
  • the number of people
    From 1 person
  • Hours.
    10:00-12:00 / 13:30-15:30
  • Charge
    General Fees】
    2 hours: 5,200 yen on weekdays / 6,200 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    4 hours: 9,800 yen on weekdays / 10,800 yen on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
    Student discount rate
    2 hours: 4,800 yen on weekdays / 5,800 yen on weekends and holidays
    4 hours: Weekdays 8,800 yen / Weekends and holidays 9,800 yen
    Please bring your student ID card with you as it will be checked at the registration desk.
    coupon tickets】
    General: 5 sessions 25,000 yen / 10 sessions 47,000 yen
    Student discount: 5 sessions 23,000 yen / 10 sessions 42,000 yen
Junior Course
We propose freeskiing lessons tailored for juniors up to the third grade.
Students will practice a wide range of freeskiing skills including air, jib, and grit while having fun in a small group with one dedicated instructor.
Helmets are required for lessons. Helmets are available for rent, please consult with us at the time of reservation.
  • subject (of taxation, etc.)
    Elementary school 1st grade and above - 3rd grade and below
    The ability to make an abrupt stop with feet together on a steep slope without problems and to smoothly attach and detach the board on a steep slope.
  • the number of people
  • Hours.
  • Charge
Private Lesson
≪priority reservations
These lessons are ideal for those who want to practice intensively on a one-on-one basis or for those who want to enjoy freeskiing casually with just family or friends.
Each group will be assigned a dedicated instructor who will give a detailed lecture on freeskiing.
Reservations are required in advance.
Helmets are required for lessons. Rental helmets are available, so please consult with us at the time of reservation.
  • subject (of taxation, etc.)
    Elementary school students and above
  • the number of people
    From 1 person
  • Hours.
    10:00-12:00 / 13:30-15:30
    *The time of the event can be changed after consultation with the instructor.
  • Charge
    2時間:1名 18,000円/2名 22,000円/3名以上 27,000円
    1DAY:1名 32,000円/2名 42,000円/3名以上 52,000円
    The fee is per group.